Cash Flow is Tight and I Need Solutions!

Cash flow is the lifeblood of business. Without it, you’ll find yourself underwater fast. But cash flow is a tricky element to deal with in business. For some industries, income is consistent and predictable. For others, the reality of their cash flow couldn’t be more...

Mountain? Or Mole Hill?

You started your business with an idea. After launching, producing, and maintaining, now you find yourself struggling financially. Do you need help? Maybe. Here are 5 signs to help you determine whether you’re making a mountain out of a molehill, or if you...

What Is a Line of Credit?

The nature of money in business is that is it very fluid. It comes and goes at a fast pace that can be hard to keep track of. Cash flow issues are common for business owners; you aren’t the only one! Because money doesn’t come in at the same rate it goes out,...

Who Needs Cash Flow?

Cash Flow is the life-blood of a successful business. Have you checked your pulse lately? Life always proves the statement that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. The ramifications of your business’ cash flow probably won’t be understood until you find...