Denied: Your Business Loan Request

None of us like being told “no,” especially when it involves the success of something important to us. Business owners invest a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into their companies. But often, it’s a matter of obtaining financing that stands between them and their...

Financing With Assets

As so many businesses are discovering, obtaining financing through traditional means can be difficult. Many lenders have added tight restrictions and high standards to their lending process. Since the standards have been raised pertaining to credit scores and history,...

Defining Our Clientele

One question we are frequently asked is what types of companies Alliance Commercial Credit Group can work with to provide alternative business financing. While we can assist business in a variety of industries attain alternative financing, we do have a “profile” of...

What To Expect

If you’ve only ever dealt with banks for your business’ financial needs, the thought of using an alternative lending source can be daunting. We’d like to take a moment and give you an idea of how we work to secure your financing. This is what you can expect from us as...

Why Choose ACCG?

Banking is arguably one of the most important aspects of a business. It’s how you manage your money, and that isn’t something you want to trust to just anyone. You may be wondering: Why should I use Alliance Commercial Credit Group instead of my bank? The answer...